Systems Design • Mission Content • Technical Design

At Blizzard Entertainment, I worked on the systems team of the now-cancelled unannounced survival game. I spearheaded design for in-game systems including crafting, and collaborated on systems for player verbs and survival mechanics. I designed and prototyped features, and stepped in to implement mission content and narrative systems. Working mainly in a proprietary scripting tool in Blizzard’s engine, I created data-driven systems, features, and reusable content, as well as working alongside art and engineering to craft high quality core game mechanics and engine systems.


I owned and implemented multiple large-scale features within game systems, including player crafting, NUX, and mission content. I also served a the point of contact for NUX and mission implementation, as well as working with engineering to architect engine tools for mission and other content creation. I endeavored to create game systems and verbs to enthrall and delight players, and worked with stakeholders to deliver features and content up to the technical and quality bars expected of a Blizzard game.

technical development

In addition to design work, I implemented a large portion of the features on which I worked as a generalist technical developer, taking features end-to-end from design to playable prototype. I created content and scalable features in a proprietary C-based visual scripting tool internal to Blizzard Entertainment, striving to create data-driven, state-based scalable systems and content which could be easily used by a variety of developers and implemented across the game world.